My First EVER Blog
Well, here it is, my first EVER blogpost. Not bad for a 54 year old Techie!!
I had a day off today to spend sometime with Heather who then subsequently went out…When she got back we shot off to the Cinema (Nottingham Showcase) to see the new Jason Bourne film.. Which was AWSOME!!! Great action film which you thought would bring the series than end, but as usual theres a twist. Nice to see Matt Damon back in the role.
When we arrived home Alex was back, so as usual we had a row about that stupid game he plays – WoW. I could rant about this but I promised myself I would not rant, but, he’s obsessed and its not right.
After watching a bit of TV I decided to finish my Management Performance Report for work – I Hate paperwork. Had a call form Mr A saying that the phones in Security had stopped working, so a quick call to Mr T to fix that.
Then I tidied up my site a little and started writing this rubbish. Im not a great one for the written word, I think the last physical non techie manual book I read was Charlie and the Chocolate factory when still at school. I never got to grip with nouns, verbs, adjectives etc and I struggle converting words in to a mental picture. The other week I caught Heather sobbing in bed whilst reading one of the Game Thrones books, I just don’t get it. Although I might cry at that bit when I watch the TV series.
Its now 22:39 so I’m going to stop typing and post this, although when I read it in the morning I just might delete it all.
Nite ;o)